Archive for August, 2008

Lose weight quickly

“Weight Loss – Lose Weight Quickly


You always want that slim body figure. You’d exchange anything for it. But you can’t leave those tempting, and delicious foods your mom always cooks for you at lunch. But at the back of your mind, you still want to look attractive, to lose those protruding bellies.

Yes you want that very much, yet you don’t want to disappoint your mother when you try to skip meals. Here’s the good news, buddy. You can actually lose weight quickly without starving yourself. The following are ten commandments that would surely help you to lose weight quickly.

First is to drink plenty of water. Of course, you don’t have to drink all the water you have in the fridge. You should just make sure that you follow what the doctors always recommend – that is to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

Do you know that water can act as appetite suppressant? By drinking at least two glasses of water before starting a meal, it can get your stomach full without eating so much. Water can also help your kidneys flush out waste easily, thus, enabling it to metabolize fats easily. Also, drinking ice cold water can even burn up to 62 calories daily.

Second in line is to eat regularly. And that means eating five times a day. You can start off with breakfast, the meal you don’t ever want to skip if you don’t wish to eat greedily at the next meal. Never skip a meal, even snacks. This way you won’t become hungry, and you’ll not crave for more foods. But be sure not to overeat, for this might result to becoming fatter.

Third step would be to eat lots of fibre. Aside from helping you for an easier bowel movement, fibre rich foods can make you feel like you’re already full. Also, they, typically, are low in calories.

The fourth move is to eat more good fats. The fact is good fats contain linolenic acids – kind of fatty acid that is important for regulating the body’s normal reproduction and growth. These acids are not just fat burners, they are also responsible for producing a hormone called prostaglandin, that is known to help in normalizing blood pressure, in preventing blood clots, and in lowering heart disease risks.

Next thing to do is to eat a lot of foods rich in quality protein. It can make your stomach full for a long time so you’ll surely lose a lot of pounds. It also helps in preventing sugar cravings and energy loss, for it has the ability to balance out your carbs. In addition, it aids in regulating your muscle mass, which has vital function in the process of burning fats.

Carbohydrates intake is also an effective way to get fit. Contrary to the common belief that carbs can make you bigger, it can, in fact, make you slimmer. It can help you fight food cravings if you only know how to choose the right carbs. Good carbohydrates include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and minimal intake of fat and calories.

One important thing that you shouldn’t miss doing is regular exercise. You can also consider going to the gym and using weights. Working with weights can strengthen your muscle, and it can speed up your metabolism rate.

Another tip is to be more critical when buying foods and drinks. Numerous companies use the strategy of offering products that they claim to be ‘fat-free.’ Though it can be true, oftentimes these products are just free of fats, but packed with loads of calories.

At the end of the day, you’ll just see yourself gaining weight even more. So prior to buying, you should always look at the nutrition label on the cover to avoid being deceived.

Aside from knowing what to eat, you should always get a handy journal to write down your diet plan. Keeping a journal helps you in monitoring your food intakes, so you can always evaluate your eating habits.

Lastly, don’t ever punish yourself. If you don’t enjoy your diet plan, then change it to something that would suit your lifestyle. You don’t have to always follow the path of someone else’s plan. They would not motivate you in any way.

Comparison for top 3 weight loss pills we review


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Click here for Proactol review


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